Christian Ziani de Ferranti is a visual artist working in Hampshire using pen, ink, acrylics, pastels, watercolour and charcoal but mostly oils.

Christian runs an art school called College Arts which operates out of a studio in amongst farm buildings.  This means that she is immersed in the conversations and work of artists, and constantly inspired by the teachers that work there along with the ever-changing landscape.  

She has exhibited at the Mall Galleries, The Gallery at Green & Stone, Gallery Different, London W1, Stockbridge Town Hall with the Stilwell group, and at our own exhibitions and Open Days that are held at College Arts.

Recently she has painted a 6′ giant hare as part of the Hares in Hampshire appeal for the Murray Parrish Trust.  The hares will be on display in Winchester & Southampton city centres from June to September.  

Contact Christian

call +44 7831 722 221
or email